Details for anatomical structure: large intestine
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- General information
- Related structures
- Hormones
- Receptors
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- General information
- Related structures
- Hormones
- Receptors
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large intestine, , Intestinum crassumGeneral information
The portion of the digestive tube extending from the ileocecal valve to the rectum; it comprises the cecum and the colonLinks to other resources
Cytomer | cy0048826 |
Related structures
Larger structures
- alveolar_macrophage
- B-lymphocyte
- epithelial_cell_with_microvilli
- cell:plasma_cell
- T-lymphocyte
- dendritic_cell_in_lymphoid_tissues_follicular
- suppressor_T_cell
- appendix
- memory_cell_T
- dendritic_cell_in_lymphoid_tissues
- smooth_muscle_cell
- monocyte
- helper_T_cell_Th1
- killer_T_cell
- helper_T_cell_Th2
- lymphocyte
- mast_cell
- caecum
- rectum
- mesenchyme_cell
- macrophage
- colon
- fibroblast
Secreted hormones
Hormone: urocortin-3
- Ucn 3 expression is examined in the normal human large intestine. [1]
Hormone: neuromedin B
Hormone: SFRP1
Hormone: gremlin-1
Hormone: laminin alpha-4 chain
Hormone: APOC1
Hormone: APOD
Hormone: RELMbeta
Receptor: PPARgamma1
- PPARγ1 had the broadest tissue expression(...)PPARγ1 mRNA was found in the heart, large and small intestines, colon, kidney, pancreas, spleen and skeletal muscle. [2]
Receptor: CaSR
Receptor: EP4
Receptor: frizzled 2
Receptor: LXR-alpha
Receptor: PPAR beta/delta
- A study with human tissues showed that PPARä was present in liver, intestine, kidney, abdominal adipose, and skeletal muscle, tissues that are all involved in aspects of lipid metabolism [2]