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Details for messenger / hormone: resistin

EndoNet ID: ENH00100

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  • resistin
  • FIZZ3
  • cysteine-rich secreted protein A12-alpha-like 2
  • C/EBP-epsilon-regulated myeloid-specific secreted cysteine-rich protein
  • cysteine-rich secreted protein FIZZ3
  • ADSF
  • adipose tissue-specific secretory factor
  • resistance to insulin
  • RSN
  • found in inflammatory zone 3
  • RETN
  • RSTN
  • FIZZ 3

General information

  • Resistin may contribute to insulin resistance and, whilst produced in adipose, its effects are being mediated at target tissues such as liver, skeletal muscle and adipose tissue. [1]
  • Expressed and secreted by brown and white adipocytes -apparently in proportion to fat pad size- impairing glucose tolerance and insulin action. [2]
  • Resistin is an approx. 10kDa protein that is secreted exclusively by adipocytes in the mouse, but is expressed primarily in macrophages and monocytes in humans. [3]
  • While in rodents resistin appears to have an important role in the development of liver insulin resistance, its role in humans is less clear. [4]
  • Human resistin mRNA and protein were found to be expressed in human primary monocyte-derived macrophages, and levels were downregulated after 96-h treatment with rosiglitazone. [1]
  • However, the resistin receptor remains unknown, although a recent report has suggested that resistin may bind to the endotoxin receptor Toll-Like Receptor 4. [5]


Hormone function

  • metabolism
    • nutrient supply

    Chemical classification

    • hormone
      • genome-encoded
        • resistin/FIZZ family


      mature protein

      UniProt Q9HD89

      Links to other resources

      UniProt Q9HD89
      Ensembl ENST00000221515
      KEGG hsa:56729
      • Anatomical structure: fat_cell

        • Elevated levels of the hormone resistin are proposed to cause insulin resistance and to serve as a link between obesity and type 2 diabetes. [6]
        • An examination of adipocytes from a patient with a genetic defect in PPAR-gamma failed to provide any support for the notion that human resistin expression is directly altered by PPAR-gamma action. [7]

        Influenced by:

        • PPARgamma1
          in adipose_tissue
          • PPAR-gamma agonists were initially reported to suppress resistin expression in murine adipocytes, although a second study suggested that PPAR-gamma agonists increase adipose tissue resistin mRNA levels. [7]
      • Anatomical structure: macrophage

        • Human resistin mRNA and protein were found to be expressed in human primary monocyte-derived macrophages, and levels were downregulated after 96-h treatment with rosiglitazone. [1]
      • Anatomical structure: adipose_tissue

      • Anatomical structure: mucosa_of_gastric_wall

      • Anatomical structure: adrenal_gland

      • Anatomical structure: skeleton_muscle

      • Anatomical structure: peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC)

        • Human resistin was predominant expressed in mononuclear cells and low/absent in human adipocytes. [7]
      • Anatomical structure: monocyte

        • Treatment with two independent PPAR-gamma agonists did not change the resistin mRNA levels. [7]

        Influenced by:

        • PPARgamma1
          in monocyte


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