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Details for messenger / hormone: collagen VI alpha 3

EndoNet ID: ENH00204

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  • collagen alpha-3(VI) chain
  • COL6A3
  • collagen VI
  • type VI collagen alpha 3
  • collagen alpha 3(VI)
  • collagen VIalpha3
  • collagen VI alpha 3

General information

  • Adipocyte-derived collagen VI affects early mammary tumor progression in vivo, demonstrating a critical interaction in the tumor/stroma microenvironment. [1]
  • Functions: composed of 3 alpha chains in the ECM; adhesive structure in the basement membrane, interacting there with other ECM components, in vitro potoent induction of myofibroblast differentiation. [2]


Hormone function

  • development and growth
    • growth stimulation
      • environment adaptation

      Chemical classification

      Links to other resources

      UniProt P12111
      Ensembl ENST00000295550
      KEGG hsa:1293
      • Anatomical structure: fat_cell

        • Type VI collagen, while expressed by a number of other cell types, is abundantly produced and secreted by adipocytes. [1]


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