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Details for messenger / hormone: lipocalin 2

EndoNet ID: ENH00208

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  • 25 kDa alpha-2-microglobulin-related subunit of MMP-9
  • NGAL
  • lipocalin 2
  • LCN 2
  • 24p3
  • oncogenic lipocalin 24p3
  • LCN2
  • uterocalin
  • neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin
  • p25
  • alpha-2-microglobulin-related subunit of MMP-9
  • oncogene 24p3
  • lipocalin-2

General information

  • NGAL was expressed in bone marrow and in tissues that are prone to exposure to microorganisms. [1]
  • The gene that showed the largest increase in expression in IL-3-deprived cells was 24p3, which encodes a lipocalin. [2]
  • Induction of NGAL synthesis in epithelial cells of human colorectal neoplasia and inflammatory bowel diseases. [3]
  • NGAL is a secreted protein, it may play an extracellular role in cell defense against toxicants and/or facilitate the survival of the remaining cells. [4]
  • Megalin, a member of the low-density lipoprotein receptor family expressed in polarized epithelia, binds NGAL with high affinity. [5]
  • Besides neutrophils, NGAL is expressed in most tissues normally exposed to microorganisms, and its synthesis is induced in epithelial cells during inflammation. [6]
  • NGAL is a marker for dysregulated keratinocyte differentiation in human skin. [7]
  • NGAL is a 25-kDa lipocalin first identified as a protein stored in specific granules of the human neutrophil. [1]
  • Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin is up-regulated in human epithelial cells by IL-1 beta, but not by TNF-alpha. [8]
  • IL-3 deprivation activates 24p3 transcription, leading to synthesis and secretion of 24p3, which induces apoptosis through an autocrine pathway. [2]
  • Lipocalin 2 mediates an innate immune response to bacterial infection by sequestrating iron. [9]
  • NGAL was found in a variety of normal and pathological human tissues (cell type-specific pattern of expression in bronchus, stomach, small intestine, pancreas, kidney, prostate gland, and thymus). [10]


Hormone function

  • immune response
    • activation

    Chemical classification

    • hormone
      • genome-encoded
        • lipocalins/fatty acid-binding proteins




      Links to other resources

      UniProt P80188
      Ensembl ENST00000373017
      KEGG hsa:3934
      • Anatomical structure: bone_marrow

        • NGAL was expressed in bone marrow and in tissues that are prone to exposure to microorganisms. [1]
      • Anatomical structure: bronchi

        • NGAL was found in a variety of normal and pathological human tissues (cell type-specific pattern of expression in bronchus, stomach, small intestine, pancreas, kidney, prostate gland, and thymus). [10]
      • Anatomical structure: stomach

        • NGAL was found in a variety of normal and pathological human tissues (cell type-specific pattern of expression in bronchus, stomach, small intestine, pancreas, kidney, prostate gland, and thymus). [10]
      • Anatomical structure: small_intestine

        • NGAL was found in a variety of normal and pathological human tissues (cell type-specific pattern of expression in bronchus, stomach, small intestine, pancreas, kidney, prostate gland, and thymus). [10]
      • Anatomical structure: pancreas

        • NGAL was found in a variety of normal and pathological human tissues (cell type-specific pattern of expression in bronchus, stomach, small intestine, pancreas, kidney, prostate gland, and thymus). [10]
      • Anatomical structure: kidney

        • NGAL was found in a variety of normal and pathological human tissues (cell type-specific pattern of expression in bronchus, stomach, small intestine, pancreas, kidney, prostate gland, and thymus). [10]
      • Anatomical structure: prostate

        • NGAL was found in a variety of normal and pathological human tissues (cell type-specific pattern of expression in bronchus, stomach, small intestine, pancreas, kidney, prostate gland, and thymus). [10]
      • Anatomical structure: thymus

        • NGAL was found in a variety of normal and pathological human tissues (cell type-specific pattern of expression in bronchus, stomach, small intestine, pancreas, kidney, prostate gland, and thymus). [10]
      • Anatomical structure: colon

        • Induction of NGAL synthesis in epithelial cells of human colorectal neoplasia and inflammatory bowel diseases. [3]
      • Anatomical structure: neutrophil_granulocyte

        • NGAL expressed in granulocytes and epithelial cells in pathological conditions, such as inflammation and malignancy. [11]
      • Anatomical structure: epithelial_cell

        • NGAL expressed in granulocytes and epithelial cells in pathological conditions, such as inflammation and malignancy. [11]
      • Anatomical structure: neutrophil_granulocyte

        • Besides neutrophils, NGAL is expressed in most tissues normally exposed to microorganisms, and its synthesis is induced in epithelial cells during inflammation. [6]
      • Anatomical structure: pneumocyte_type_II

        • Synthesis of NGAL increases dramatically in bronchial epithelial cells and alveolear type II pneumocytes during lung inflammation. [8]

        Influenced by:

        • IL-1RI
          in pneumocyte_type_II
          • IL-1beta induces a >10-fold up-regulation of NGAL expression in the type II pneumocyte-derived cell line A549 cells, whereas TNF-alpha, IL-6, and LPS had no effect. [8]
      • Anatomical structure: isolated_goblet_cell_of_respiratory_and_digestive_tracts

      • Anatomical structure: bronchial_epithelial_cell

        Influenced by:

        • IL-1RI
          in bronchial_epithelial_cell


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