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Details for messenger / hormone: acetylcholine

EndoNet ID: ENH00226

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  • acetylcholine
  • ACh

General information


Hormone function

  • CNS function
    • neurotransmitter

    Chemical classification

    • hormone
      • not genome-encoded


    Links to other resources

    KEGG C01996
    • Anatomical structure: adrenal_medulla

      Influenced by:

      • CB1
        in adrenal_gland
        • Stimulation of the CB1 receptor results in the inhibition of a range of excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters, like acetylcholine, noradrenaline, dopamine, 5-hydroxytryptamine, D-aspartate and cholecystokinin. [1]
    • Anatomical structure: corpus_striatum

      Influenced by:

      • dopamine receptor D2
        in corpus_striatum
        • Stimulation of D-2 dopamine receptors inhibite therelease of ACh. [2]
    • Anatomical structure: chromaffin_cell

      Influenced by:

      • M4
        in adrenal_medulla
        • Muscarinic receptor stimulation was also found to enhance nicotineinduced catecholamine secretion by 1.7-fold if muscarine wasa dded 30 s before nicotine addition. [3]
      • M1
        in adrenal_medulla
        • Muscarinic receptor stimulation was also found to enhance nicotineinduced catecholamine secretion by 1.7-fold if muscarine wasa dded 30 s before nicotine addition. [3]
      • M2
        in adrenal_medulla
        • Muscarinic receptor stimulation was also found to enhance nicotineinduced catecholamine secretion by 1.7-fold if muscarine wasa dded 30 s before nicotine addition. [3]
      • M3
        in adrenal_medulla
        • Muscarinic receptor stimulation was also found to enhance nicotineinduced catecholamine secretion by 1.7-fold if muscarine wasa dded 30 s before nicotine addition. [3]
      • M5
        in adrenal_medulla
        • Muscarinic receptor stimulation was also found to enhance nicotineinduced catecholamine secretion by 1.7-fold if muscarine wasa dded 30 s before nicotine addition. [3]
    • Anatomical structure: hippocampus

      Influenced by:

      • 5-HT3 receptor
        in hippocampus
        • Increasing of hippocampal ACh release is mediated via serotonin activation of 5-HT-3 serotonergic receptors in the dorsal hippocampus. [4]
      • dopamine receptor D1
        in hippocampus
        • The hippocampal ACh release is facilitated by the local stimulation of D1 receptors. [5]
    • Anatomical structure: cerebral_cortex

      Influenced by:

      • 5-HT3 receptor
        in frontal_lobe
        • Acitvated 5-HT-3 receptors decreases the potassium-evoked release of acetycholine in slices of the central cortex. [6]
      • 5-ht-6R
        in frontal_lobe
        • The stimulation of 5-HT6 receptors mediate an inhibitory serotoninergic effect to the ACh release in the frontal cortex. [7]
        • Constitutively activated 5-HT6 receptors inhibite cholinergic neurotransmission. [8]
      • 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 4
        in frontal_lobe
        • The stimulation of 5-HT4 receptors increase the cortical ACh release in the frontal cortex. [9]
        • Stimualted 5-HT4 receptors increase the extracellular concentration of ACh in the frontal cortex. [10]
      • 5-HT-2A
        in frontal_lobe
        • Acitvation of the 5-HT2 receptors stimulate the release of ACh in the prefontal cortex. [11]
      • 5-HT-2B
        in frontal_lobe
        • Acitvation of the 5-HT2 receptors stimulate the release of ACh in the prefontal cortex. [11]
      • 5-HT-2C
        in frontal_lobe
        • Acitvation of the 5-HT2 receptors stimulate the release of ACh in the prefontal cortex. [11]
      • alpha-2A adrenoreceptor
        in cerebellar_cortex
        • Alpha 2 adrenergic receptors mediate synaptic transmission in pre- and postsynaptic nerve terminals by decreasing the release of norepinephrine (due to the inhibition of the norepinephrine system in the brain) and acetylcholine. [12]
      • alpha-2B adrenoreceptor
        in cerebellar_cortex
        • Alpha 2 adrenergic receptors mediate synaptic transmission in pre- and postsynaptic nerve terminals by decreasing the release of norepinephrine (due to the inhibition of the norepinephrine system in the brain) and acetylcholine. [12]
      • alpha-2C adrenoreceptor
        in cerebellar_cortex
        • Alpha 2 adrenergic receptors mediate synaptic transmission in pre- and postsynaptic nerve terminals by decreasing the release of norepinephrine (due to the inhibition of the norepinephrine system in the brain) and acetylcholine. [12]


    CellAcetylcholine receptor subunit betaAcetylcholine receptor subunit deltaAcetylcholine receptor subunit gammaalpha7nAChRCHRNA1-1CHRNA1-2M2M3M4M5
    adrenal medulla Present
    • acetylcholine
    • acetylcholine
    • acetylcholine
    • acetylcholine
    brain Present
    corneal endothelial cell Present
    corneal endothelial cell Present
    D cell of gastrointestinal tract Present
    enterochromaffin like cell Present
    G cell Present
    heart Present
    kidney Present
    liver Present
    lung Present
    oxyntic cell of gastric gland Present
    • positive regulation of gastric acid secretion
    skeleton muscle Present
    thymus Present