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Details for messenger / hormone: 15d-PGJ2

EndoNet ID: ENH00341

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  • 15d-PGJ2
  • 15-deoxy-delta12,14-prostaglandin J2
  • 11-oxo-5Z,9,12E,14E-prostatetraenoic acid

General information

  • 15d-PGJ2 treatment reduces the levels of inflammatory mediators produced by splenic macrophages. [1]
  • 15d-PGJ2 and its inducers are used as FCB (Cycloanthranilylproline-derivative), that is a new strategy for cancer-therapy. [2]
  • 15d-PGJ2 enhances the anti-tumor action of docetaxel by peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma-dependent and -independent mechanisms mediated by induction of apoptosis. [3]
  • 15d-PGJ2 inhibits aurora-B kinase activity, which coincides with the down-regulation of survivin. [4]
  • 15d-PGJ2 can sensitize TRAIL (TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand)-resistant cells to TRAIL. [2]


Hormone function

  • immune response
    • activation
    • metabolism
      • cell metabolism

      Chemical classification

      • hormone
        • not genome-encoded
          • eicosanoids/fatty acid derivatives
            • prostanoids
              • prostaglandins


        Links to other resources

        LIPID MAPS LMFA03010021
        LipidBank XPR1766


          adipose tissue Present
          • regulation of fat cell differentiation
          • negative regulation of transcription
          • regulation of glucose homeostasis
          • haptoglobin
          • resistin
          • adiponectin
          • leptin
          B-lymphocyte Present
          bone marrow Present
          brain Present
          breast Present
          colon Present
          heart Present
          • regulation of glucose homeostasis
          immune system Present
          kidney Present
          large intestine Present
          lipocyte of liver Present
          • involvement in liver steatosis
          lung Present
          macrophage Present
          microglial cell in central nervous system Present
          monocyte Present
          • FABP4
          • resistin
          ovary Present
          placenta Present
          retina Present
          skeleton muscle Present
          • regulation of glucose and lipid metabolism
          • regulation of glucose metabolic process
          small intestine Present
          smooth muscle Present
          smooth muscle cell Present
          spleen Present
          T-lymphocyte Present
          testis Present
          vascularendothelial cell Present