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Details for messenger / hormone: LTB5

EndoNet ID: ENH01001

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  • leukotriene B5
  • LTB5
  • 5S,12S-dihydroxy-6Z,8E,14Z,17Z-eicosapentanenoic acid
  • 5,12-DiHEPE

General information

  • synthesis of LTB5 from endogenous icosapentaenoic acid after dietary supply (a long-term enrichment of our Western nutrition with higher doses of icosapentaenoic acid may modify the contribution of leukotrienes in reactions in which these products are of pathogenetic relevance) [1]
  • involved in numerous inflammatory diseases and possesses [1]
  • less potent inflammatory effect than LTB4 [1]
  • Binding of LTB5 to human neutrophil LTB4 high affinity binding sites is lower than that of LTB4 [1]
  • All eicosanoids function locally at the site of synthesis, through receptor-mediated G-protein linked signaling pathways [1]


Hormone function

  • immune response
    • activation

    Chemical classification

    • hormone
      • not genome-encoded
        • eicosanoids/fatty acid derivatives
          • leukotrienes


      Links to other resources

      LIPID MAPS LMFA03020010
      LipidBank XPR4102


        leukocyte Present