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Details for phenotype: hyperactivity of HPA axis

EndoNet ID: ENP00142


hyperactivity of HPA axis

General information

This phenotype is not pathologic

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Phenotype triggers

  • CRF-R2
    in ventromedial_nucleus_of_hypothalamus
    • Levels of the CRF-R2 mRNA in the VMH were significantly lower in diabetic rats. Expression of CRF-R2 is mostly related to the insulin, but not to the corticosterone, status. Alterations in the brain CRF system due to insulin deficiency may contribute to the hyperdipsia in diabetes. [1]
    • Basal HPA axis may also be affected by magnocellular CRF that directly stimulates the AVP secretion through a paracrine mechanism at the level of neurohemal zone of the neurohypophysis. [1]