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Details for phenotype: adherens junction assembly

EndoNet ID: ENP00361


adherens junction assembly

General information

This phenotype is not pathologic

Links to other resources

MeSH term 68022005

Phenotype triggers

  • normal activity of Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 3
    in vascularendothelial_cell
    • S1P-induced VEC adherens junction assembly and cell barrier integrity are blocked by antisense oligonucleotides against s1p3. [1]
    • S1P stimulates the formation and maintenance of VECs assembly/integrity by activating S1P3. [2]
  • normal activity of Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 1
    in vascularendothelial_cell
    • S1P-induced VEC adherens junction assembly and cell barrier integrity are blocked by antisense oligonucleotides against s1p1. [1]
    • Expression of a dominant negative S1P1 mutant inhibits S1P-induced VEC assembly and migration. [3]
    • S1P stimulates the formation and maintenance of VECs assembly/integrity by activating S1P1. [2]
  • normal activity of Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 3
    in lung
    • Intravenous S1P infusion results in rapid and significant reduction of lung weight gain and significantl reduces microvascular permeabilit and inflammation after acute lung injury, consistent with systemic barrier enhancement. [4]
    • S1P induces cortical reorganization of the endothelial cytoskeleton and the distribution, assembly and stabilization of adherens junctions and focal adhesion complexes on the cell membrane via S1P3 receptor signaling and activation of Rac. [5]