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Details for phenotype: Hyperthyroidism

EndoNet ID: ENP00492



General information

This phenotype is pathologic
  • Markedly increased appetite is considered to be a clinical feature of hyperthyroidism, and hyperphagia and enhanced energy intake have indeed been formally documented in thyrotoxicosis. [1]

Links to other resources

Medline Plus 000356
MeSH term D006980
Disease database 6348

Phenotype triggers

  • more activity (high ligand concentration, overexpression) of thyroid hormone receptor
    in thyroid_gland
    • Resistance to thyroid hormone is an uncommon disorder, characterized by elevated circulating thyroid hormones with nonsuppressed thyrotropin levels, reflecting resistance within the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis but variable refractoriness to hormone action in peripheral tissues. [2]