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Details for receptor: Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 1

EndoNet ID: ENR00755

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  • edg1
  • S1PR1
  • Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor Edg-1
  • Endothelial differentiation G-protein coupled receptor 1
  • Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 1

General information

  • Belongs to the G-protein coupled receptor 1 family.
  • Seems to be coupled to the G(i) subclass of heteromeric G proteins.

Links to other resources

UniProt P21453
Ensembl ENST00000424264

Subunit information

Subunit (1 times)

UniProt P21453-1

Binding hormones

  • sphingosine 1-phosphate
    • Receptor for the lysosphingolipid sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P).
  • Sphingosylphosphorylcholine
    • All of the subsequently identified S1P receptors of the EDG family exhibited a low affinity for SPC and might thus rather mediate some of SPC's extracellular actions in the low micromolar concentration range. [1]

Anatomical structures with this receptor

  • continuous_vascular_endothelial_cell_of_blood_vessels_and_lymphatics

    Induced phenotypes

    • cell-cell junction organization
      • S1PR1 has an important role in strengthening endothelial-cell–endothelial-cell junctional contacts. [2]
    • vasculogenesis
      • S1PR1 has an important role in regulating endothelial-cell organization during development. [3]
    • positive regulation of endothelial cell migration
      • S1P stimulates the migration of endothelial cells. [4]
    • regulation of endothelial cell differentiation
      • S1PR1 is the receptor for the lysosphingolipid sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P). S1P is a bioactive lysophospholipid that elicits diverse physiological effect on most types of cells and tissues. This inducible epithelial cell G-protein-coupled receptor may be involved in the processes that regulate the differentiation of endothelial cells. [5]
  • smooth_muscle_cell

    Induced phenotypes

    • positive regulation of smooth muscle cell migration
      • Overexpression of S1PR1 in VSMCs enhances migration response to S1P. [6]
    • heart development
      • Direct evidence for S1P receptor signaling in angiogenesis and cardiovascular development comes from the phenotype of genetic-null studies in mice. The s1p1-null embryos die in utero because of defective vascular maturation in which VSMCs/pericytes do not migrate to surround the vessels. [7]
    • positive regulation of angiogenesis
      • S1P receptor edg-1 is essential for cardiovascular development. [7]
      • Edg-1 is the first G protein-coupled receptor required for blood vessel formation. In general, sphingolipid signaling is essential during mammalian development. [7]
    • regulation of inflammatory response
      • In vascular smooth muscle cells, S1P stimulates DNA synthesis in association with ERK activation, and may play a central role in excessive fibroproliferative and inflammatory response to vascular injury that are hallmarks of atherosclerois progression. [8]
      • a central role for S1P1 in vascular smooth muscle cell migration was established by the phenotype of S1P1-deficient mice in which those cells do not migrate properly to surround and reinforce nascent vessels. [9]
  • fibroblast

  • epithelial_cell

  • melanocyte

  • immune_system

    Induced phenotypes

    • positive regulation of chemotaxis
      • The effect of S1P on S1PR1-mediated chemotaxis can depend on S1P concentration in vitro; low concentrations of S1P promote chemotaxis. [10]
    • negative regulation of chemotaxis
      • The effect of S1P on S1PR1-mediated chemotaxis can depend on S1P concentration in vitro; high concentrations of S1P seem to be inhibitory. This inhibitory effect might partly be due to the downregulation of S1PR1 by high concentrations of S1P. [11]
    • regulation of leukocyte migration
      • S1PR1 controls the exit of haematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) from non-lymphoid peripheral tissues to the draining lymphatics. [12]
    • regulation of leukocyte migration
      • S1P signalling has a role in both the homing of immune cells to lymphoid organs, and in controlling their egress into blood and lymph. [13]
      • S1PR1 is decisive for the exit of mature thymocytes — both conventional T cells and natural killer T (NKT) cells — from the thymus. [14]
  • dendritic_cell_in_lymphoid_tissues

    Induced phenotypes

    • dendritic cell chemotaxis
      • FTY720, a S1P receptor agonist, can severly hamper migration of dendritic cells to the lymph nodes suggesting additional mechanisms underlying the immunosuppressive effects of this spingosine analog. [15]
  • eosinophil_granulocyte

  • macrophage

    Induced phenotypes

    • negative regulation of cytokine production
      • Peritoneal macrophages from low-density lipoprotein-receptor-deficient mice, which are a model for atherosclerosis, that had been treated with FTY720 (FTY720 is a sphingosine analogue that could be phosphorylated by SPHKs to produce a S1PR ligand with potent effects, including S1PR agonism and the downregulation of S1PR expression) had a markedly decreased production of inflammatory tumour-necrosis factor (TNF), TNF receptor (TNFR) and IL-6 in response to LPS. [16]
  • mast_cell

    Induced phenotypes

    • positive regulation of mast cell chemotaxis
      • Loss of S1PR1 results in decreased chemotactic motility. [17]
      • The positive effect of S1PR1 on mast-cell chemotactic motility is counteracted by S1PR2 expression. [17]
  • T-lymphocyte

    Induced phenotypes

    • cell maturation
      • Upregulation of S1PR1 expression or increased S1PR1 signalling suppresses the proliferation and maturation of mouse T cells. [18]
    • negative regulation of interferon-gamma production
      • In CD4+T cells, signalling through S1PR1 inhibits IFNgamma production, when compared with IL-4 production. [18]
    • positive regulation of interleukin-4 production
      • In CD4+T cells, signalling through S1PR1 increases IL-4 production. [19]
    • regulation of T cell proliferation
      • S1PR1 might modulate the proliferation of T cells. [20]
    • T cell differentiation during immune response
      • S1PR1 might decrease TH1-cell responses in vivo. [20]
      • S1PR1 might increase TH2-cell responses. [20]
      • S1PR1 might polarize TCR-activated cells towards a T helper 17-cell phenotype, thereby altering the immune response. [20]
      • S1P seems to increase the size of the TH17-cell subset through S1PR1 triggering. [21]
    • positive regulation of leukocyte migration
      • S1P has been reported to stimulate migration of T cells that express s1p1 under some conditions. T cell receptor-mediated activation of T cells suppresses expression of s1p1, and it has been reported to eliminate their migration responses to S1P. [22]
    • regulation of leukocyte migration
      • S1P signalling has a role in both the homing of immune cells to lymphoid organs, and in controlling their egress into blood and lymph. [13]
      • S1PR1 is decisive for T-cell egress from lymph nodes. [14]
  • B-lymphocyte

    Induced phenotypes

    • regulation of leukocyte migration
      • During an antibody response, S1PR1 on IgG-secreting plasma cells is required for the cells to move from the spleen into the blood and, ultimately, to the bone marrow. [23]
      • A similar scenario seems to exist for IgA-producing B cells, which require S1P signalling to migrate out of Peyers patches. [24]
      • In addition to homing to and egress from lymphoid tissues, S1P signalling functions to properly compartmentalize immune cells in lymphoid tissues. An example is the localization and movement of marginal-zone B cells in the spleen, which depend on their expression of S1PR1. [25]
      • S1P signalling has a role in both the homing of immune cells to lymphoid organs, and in controlling their egress into blood and lymph. [13]
      • S1PR1 is decisive for B- cell egress from lymph nodes. [10]
  • killer_T_cell

    Induced phenotypes

    • positive regulation of chemotaxis
      • S1P induces chemotaxis of thymocytes, T and B lymphocytes. [8]
  • leukocyte

  • lymphocyte

    Induced phenotypes

    • regulation of lymphocyte proliferation
      • The downregulation of S1PR1 expression that occurs after TCR activation seems to contribute to the retention and proliferation of antigen-bearing cells in the lymph nodes. [10]
    • regulation of leukocyte migration
      • Lymphocytes that lack S1PR1 expression cannot egress from lymph nodes and thymus, and lymphocytes with decreased receptor expression levels have a corresponding decreased rate of egress. [10]
  • osteoblast

  • vascularendothelial_cell

    Induced phenotypes

    • regulation of cardiovascular system
      • S1P was also shown to regulate the cardiovascular system; intravenous administration of S1P decreased heart rates, ventricular contraction, and blood pressure in rats. [26]
    • positive regulation of blood vessel endothelial cell migration
      • S1P induces migration of VECs. [27]
      • S1P receptor-mediated signaling plays a major regulatory role in angiogenesis. [28]
      • VEC migration is inhibited by antisense oligonucleotides against s1p1. [29]
    • positive regulation of endothelial cell proliferation
      • S1P induces proliferation of VECs. [30]
      • S1P receptor-mediated signaling plays a major regulatory role in angiogenesis. [28]
    • positive regulation of angiogenesis
      • S1P1 plays a primary role in angiogenesis by its potent activation of Rac, potentially through the intimate interplay with PDGF. [27]
    • adherens junction assembly
      • S1P-induced VEC adherens junction assembly and cell barrier integrity are blocked by antisense oligonucleotides against s1p1. [31]
      • Expression of a dominant negative S1P1 mutant inhibits S1P-induced VEC assembly and migration. [27]
      • S1P stimulates the formation and maintenance of VECs assembly/integrity by activating S1P1. [32]
  • umbilical_vein_endothelial_cells

    Induced phenotypes

    • venous endothelial cell differentiation
      • EDG1 was identied as an immediate-early gene product in phorbol ester-differentiated human umbilical vein endothelial cells, and was suggested to play a role in the morphogenetic differentiation of vascular endothelial cells into capillary-like tubules and in angiogenesis. [33]
  • spleen

  • brain

    Induced phenotypes

    • positive regulation of neurogenesis
      • Embryos lacking S1P exhibit severely disturbed neurogenesis, including neural tube closure, and angiogenesis. [8]
      • S1P1 receptor-null mice also showed severe defects in neurogenesis. [34]
  • heart

  • lung


    • positive interleukin 6
      • SP1 stimulates IL-6 prodcution in airway smooth muscle cells. [35]
  • adipose_tissue

  • liver

    Induced phenotypes

    • hepatic stellate cell migration
      • S1P1 regulates migration and fibrogenic activation of HSCs. [36]
  • thymus

  • kidney

  • skeleton_muscle

  • keratinocyte
