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Details for receptor: PAR1

EndoNet ID: ENR00918

To link to the content of EndoNet use the EndoNet ID that is given on the detail pages in the format ENX0000, where X is a place holder for the type of the component (e. g. R for receptor or C for anatomical structure).
As URL for the linking append this ID to the detail page for this type of component.
For an hormone that would be:

It is also possible to use the search of EndoNet to link to the right detail page. The URL should look like
If the search pattern is unambigious the user is directed to the corresponding detail page.


  • PAR1

General information

Links to other resources

UniProt P25116
Ensembl ENST00000396233

Binding hormones

  • elastase-2
    • In this study, we provide evidence that leukocyte elastase perform its biological activity through PAR-1. [1]

Anatomical structures with this receptor

  • lymph_node

    Induced phenotypes

    • positive regulation of myeloid dendritic cell activation
      • PAR1-mediated activation of DCs in the lymph nodes leads to SPHK1 activation and autocrine transactivation of S1PR3. [2]