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Details for receptor: leukosialin

EndoNet ID: ENR01161

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  • leukosialin
  • leukocyte sialoglycoprotein
  • sialophorin
  • galactoglycoprotein
  • CD43 antigen
  • SPN
  • gpL115

General information

  • CD43 is shed in vivo during neutrophil migration to the inflammatory site. [1]
  • May have a role in cancer development.
  • Cell surface-associated mucin that is abundantly expressed by most leukocytes, and that appears to function as a negative regulator of cell surface interactions. [2]
  • Leukosialin (CD43) is proteolytically cleaved from stimulated HMC-1 cells. [3]
  • CD43 functions as a T cell counterreceptor for the macrophage adhesion receptor sialoadhesin (Siglec-1). [4]
  • Leukosialin expression is differentially regulated by retinoic acids. Vitamin A metabolites could act directly on the CD43 gene, since putative retinoic acid response elements have been detected within its regulatory regions. [5]
  • Acts in T cell activation, neutrophil migration, immunity and tumor mesothelial cell adhesion. [6]
  • Galectin-1 binds different CD43 glycoforms to cluster CD43 and regulate T cell death. [7]
  • CD43 and CD7 may act as a complex during the delivery of galectin-1 apoptotic signals. [8]
  • Altered glycosylation of CD43 and CD45 has been observed in HIV-1 infection of T-cells. This results in accumulation of exposed lactosamine residues, oligosaccharides recognized by galectin-1 on CD43 and CD45, promoting galectin-1 binding, receptor cross-linking, and segregation, critical steps in triggering apoptosis. [8]

Links to other resources

UniProt P16150
Ensembl ENST00000436527

Binding hormones

    Anatomical structures with this receptor

    • thymocyte

    • T-lymphocyte

    • neutrophil_granulocyte
