Details for anatomical structure: heart
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- Hormones
- Receptors
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- Hormones
- Receptors
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heart, coeur, CorGeneral information
The hollow muscular organ which acts as a pump by its rhythmic contractions in order to maintain the circulation of the blood in the organism; it is divided by a musculomembranous septum into two halves, each of which consists of a receiving chamber (atrium) and an ejecting chamber (ventricle)Links to other resources
Cytomer | cy0048127 |
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Secreted hormones
Hormone: urocortin
Hormone: FGF-2
- Cardiac mesoderm expresses fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) 1, 2, and 8, and causes the foregut endoderm to develop into the liver. [1]
Hormone: cardiotrophin 1
- Cardiotrophin-1 displays early expression in the murine heart tube and promotes cardiac myocyte survival. [2]
Hormone: CNTF
- CNTF mRNA is widely expressed in the brain, heart, lung, liver, kidney and testis of the rat, in addition to preferential expression in the sciatic nerve. [3]
Hormone: humanin
Hormone: IL-15
Hormone: MCP-2
Hormone: hepcidin
Hormone: BMP2
Hormone: IL-1F8
Hormone: MIP-1 delta
Hormone: eotaxin-3
Hormone: atrial natriuretic factor
Hormone: laminin-5B
Hormone: Dkk2
Hormone: Dkk2
Hormone: SFRP1
Hormone: sFRP-2
Hormone: sFRP-3
Hormone: sFRP-5
Hormone: sclerostin
Hormone: laminin alpha-4 chain
Hormone: laminin alpha-5 chain
Hormone: laminin gamma-3 chain
Hormone: TNFSF12
Hormone: semaphorin 3F
Hormone: semaphorin 3C
Hormone: BAFF
Hormone: WISP-2
Hormone: WISP1
Hormone: CTGF
Hormone: fractalkine
Hormone: SEMA4D
Hormone: IL-17D
Hormone: CYR61
Hormone: TIMP-4
Hormone: PD-L1
Hormone: VEGF-183
Hormone: ECM1a
Hormone: SMOC-1 isoform 1
Hormone: insulin-like peptide INSL5
Hormone: elastase-2
Hormone: vasorin
Hormone: FAM3A
Hormone: VEGFB
- Expressed in almost all tissues with the highest amounts in heart, pancreas and skeletal muscle. Not expressed in liver.
Hormone: FGF-23
Hormone: Oxytocin-Neurophysin 1
- However, OT is also synthesized in peripheral tissues, e.g. uterus, placeta, amnion, corpus luteum, testis and heart. [4]
Receptor: PLXND1
Receptor: GL-R
Induced phenotype:
Receptor: insulin receptor
Receptor: dopamine receptor D5
Receptor: glucocorticoid receptor
Receptor: GR-beta
Receptor: melanocortin receptor 3
Receptor: PPARgamma1
- In this paper it is not clear whether it is γ1 or another γ receptor isoform it only says: " PPARγ regulates terminal epithelial differentiation of the trophoblast, which, given the ubiquitous expression of PPARγ in epithelia of endocrine and exocrine tissues, could apply to additional organs. Most importantly, we unravel the existence of a previously unrecognized functional link between the placenta and the developing heart, which could shed new light on the origins of congenital cardiomyopathies [5]
- PPARγ1 had the broadest tissue expression(...)PPARγ1 mRNA was found in the heart, large and small intestines, colon, kidney, pancreas, spleen and skeletal muscle. [6]
Induced phenotype:
- regulation of glucose homeostasis
- PPAR-gamma is expressed in the heart, one tissue where most of the insulin-stimulated glucose uptake occurs. [7]
Receptor: histamine H4 receptor
Receptor: PPAR-gamma2
Induced phenotype:
- regulation of glucose homeostasis
- PPAR-gamma is expressed in the heart, one tissue where most of the insulin-stimulated glucose uptake occurs. [7]
- regulation of glucose homeostasis
Receptor: angiotensin II type 1 receptor
Receptor: angiotensin receptor 2
Induced phenotype:
- cell growth
- Angiotensin 2 binding sites have been identified in the human heart and AT2 receptor may be involved in cell growth and proliferation. [8]
- cell growth
Receptor: leptin receptor
Induced phenotype:
- regulation of cardiac myocyte metabolism
- Leptin can regulate the baseline physiology of the heart, including myocyte contractility, hypertrophy, apoptosis and metabolism. [9]
- Db/db mouse has abnormal left ventricular function in vivo, with impaired glucose uptake during ischemia, leading to increased myocardial damage. [10]
- Although the hearts of glucose-intolerant ob/ob mice are capable of maintaining their function under conditions of increased fatty acid supply and hyperinsulinemia, they are insulin-resistant, metabolically inefficient, and unable to modulate substrate utilization in response to changes in insulin and fatty acid supply. [11]
- regulation of cardiac myocyte metabolism
Receptor: BMP receptor type II
Receptor: frizzled 1
Receptor: frizzled 10
Receptor: frizzled 8
Receptor: PTC1
Receptor: neuropilin 1
Induced phenotype:
- patterning of blood vessels
- Semaphorin 3a is a chemorepellent with multiple guidance functions, including cardiac vescular patterning and branching morphogenesis. [12]
- patterning of blood vessels
Receptor: TNFRSF12A
Induced phenotype:
- positive regulation of smooth muscle proliferation
- TNFSF12 induces proliferation of human aortic smooth muscle cells in vitro. [13]
- positive regulation of smooth muscle proliferation
Receptor: CysLTR1
Receptor: CysLTR2
Receptor: Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1
Induced phenotype:
- heart development
- Moderate overexpression of VEGF1 from its endogenous locus results in aberrant heart development and lethality at E12.5-14, which shows essential role of regulated signalling during development. [14]
- heart development
Receptor: sVEGF-R1
Receptor: renin receptor
- High levels found in the heart, brain, placenta, and lower levels in the kidney and liver. [15]
Receptor: VPAC1
Receptor: LTB4-R1
Receptor: RXR-alpha
Receptor: IL-10R-alpha
Receptor: IL-18R1
Receptor: PPAR-alpha
- PPARα is expressed at high levels in organs that carry out significant catabolism of fatty acids such as the brown adipose tissue, liver, heart, kidney, and intestine [16]
Receptor: fibroblast growth factor receptor-like 1
Induced phenotype:
Receptor: vasorin
Receptor: CRF-R1
Receptor: CRF-R2
Receptor: CB1
Induced phenotype:
- atrial muscle contraction
- Binding of cannabinoids to CB1 receptors decrease contraction in atrial myocardium. [17]
- atrial muscle contraction
Receptor: IL-28R-alpha-v2
Receptor: IL-28R-alpha-v1
Receptor: CHRNA1-2
Receptor: VLDLR
Induced phenotype:
- transport of fatty acids
- VLDLR functions as a receptor for very low density lipoproteins (VLDL). In the rabbit its mRNA is expressed mainly in cardiac muscle, skeletal muscle and adipose tissue, all of which tissues utilize fatty acids as a source of energy. [18]
- positive regulation of vasodilation
- Selective VPAC1 and VPAC2 receptor activation in the coronary circulation produces vasodilation. [19]
- transport of fatty acids
Receptor: PRLR
Receptor: Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 3
Receptor: Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 1
Receptor: Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 3
Receptor: Probable G-protein coupled receptor 132
Receptor: Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 5
Receptor: Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 4
Receptor: Ovarian cancer G-protein coupled receptor 1
Receptor: G-protein coupled receptor 4
Receptor: Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 1
Receptor: Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 2
Induced phenotype:
- heart development
- A zebrafish mutation in the mil gene indicates a role of S1P2 receptor in the development of the cardiovascular system. Mutants showed a defective migration of the cardiac muscle progenitor cells from lateral positions to the midline resulting in the development of two hearts. [20]
- heart development
Receptor: 5-HT-2B
- Binding of serotonin to 5-HT-2B acitvates PI3K/Akt and ERK kinases in cardiomyocytes to protect mitochondrial damage thereby preventing apoptosis. [21]
Induced phenotype:
Receptor: AR
- Isoform 2 is mainly expressed in heart and skeletal muscle. [22]
Induced phenotype:
- cardiac hypertrophy
- Androgen receptors are present in cardiac myocyte from multiple species and modulate the cardiac phenotype (hypertrophy), [23]