Details for anatomical structure: testis
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- Hormones
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- Hormones
- Receptors
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testis, testes, TestisGeneral information
One of the two male reproductive glands located in the cavity of the scrotum; they produce sperm and male sex hormonesLinks to other resources
Cytomer | cy0049986 |
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Larger structures
Secreted hormones
Hormone: IGF-1
Hormone: CNTF
- CNTF mRNA is widely expressed in the brain, heart, lung, liver, kidney and testis of the rat, in addition to preferential expression in the sciatic nerve. [1]
Hormone: IL-15
Hormone: PDGFC
Hormone: hepcidin
Hormone: IL-1F8
Hormone: MIP-3 alpha
Hormone: CCL27
Hormone: AGRP
Hormone: MCH
Hormone: chondromodulin 2
- Weakly expressed.
Hormone: sFRP-2
Hormone: twisted gastrulation
Hormone: TNFSF18
Hormone: semaphorin 3C
Hormone: semaphorin 3D
Hormone: WISP-2
Hormone: WISP3
Hormone: fractalkine
Hormone: SEMA4D
Hormone: QRFP
Hormone: NPB23
Hormone: NPB29
Hormone: DHH
Hormone: Cystatin-C
Hormone: CST8
Hormone: EG-VEGF
Hormone: BD-7
Hormone: BD-8
Hormone: BD-1
Hormone: ECM1a
Hormone: insulin-like peptide INSL6
Hormone: slit-3 isoform 1
Hormone: androstenedione
Hormone: dehydro-3-epiandrosterone
Hormone: IL-28A
Hormone: IL-28B
Hormone: IL-29
Hormone: FAM3B-b
Hormone: FAM3A
Hormone: FGF-23
Hormone: Oxytocin-Neurophysin 1
Receptor: CRF-R1
Receptor: melanocortin receptor 5
Receptor: melanocortin receptor 3
Receptor: galanin receptor 3
Receptor: ACTH receptor
- Melanocortin type 2 receptor is also expressed in the mouse fetal testis. [3]
Induced phenotype:
- androgen biosynthetic process
- The effects of ACTH on fetal/neonatal androgen production could be directly mediated through melanocortin receptors on the fetal-type Leydig cells or indirectly mediated through another cell type. [4]
- testosterone
- The testicular melanocortin type 2 receptors appear to be functionally active since ACTH will stimulate testosterone production by the fetal and neonatal mouse testis which both contain fetal-type Leydig cells although the effects are lost in the postpubertal animal. [3]
Receptor: PRLR
Induced phenotype:
- maturation of germ cells
- Prolactin induces maturation of germ cells. Prolonged suppression of prolactin (PRL) in immature male rats inhibits the spermatocyte-spermatid conversion process, alters leydig cell morphology, decreases accessory sex organ weight and increases serum LH levels without a significant alteration in serum FSH concentration. Amelioration of these effects by exogenous PRL strongly indicates that in the absence of PRL excess titers of endogenous LH fail to exert an influence on the spermatogenic activity of maturing testes. [5]
- impotence
- In humans, hyperprolactinemia has been shown to be associated with impotence. [6]
- maturation of germ cells
Receptor: PPARgamma1
- mRNA being detectable in spleen, bone marrow, liver, testis, skeletal muscle and brain [7]
Receptor: TLR5
Receptor: MC1R
Receptor: frizzled 9
Receptor: frizzled 2
Receptor: PLXND1
Receptor: NMU-R1
Receptor: NMU-R2
Receptor: EphA6
Receptor: IL-28R-alpha-v2
Receptor: IL-28R-alpha-v1
Receptor: Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 1
Receptor: Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 2
Receptor: Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 3
Receptor: Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 4
Receptor: Ovarian cancer G-protein coupled receptor 1
Receptor: G-protein coupled receptor 12
Receptor: Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 3
Induced phenotype:
- reproduction
- S1P3 null mice were fertile but the litter sizes were slightly smaller. This suggests a role of S1P3 in reproduction, in agreement with the expression of these receptors in the gonads. [8]
- reproduction
Receptor: relaxin receptor 2
Induced phenotype:
- Cryptorchidism
- Defects in relaxin receptor 2 are a cause of cryptorchidism; also known as impaired testicular descent. [9]
- Cryptorchidism
Receptor: parathyroid hormone 2 receptor
Receptor: steroidogenic factor 1
- The presence of potential SF-l binding sites in the promoter regions of nonadrenal steroidogenic enzymes and the expression of SF-1 in ovary and testis suggested that SF-l might also contribute to steroidogenic enzyme gene expression in gonadal tissue [12]