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Details for anatomical structure: theca cell

EndoNet ID: ENC00143

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theca cell, cell of theca of follicle, cell of fibrous coat of ovary,

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Cytomer cy0011381

Larger structures

  • parts_of_human_body
  • gonads
  • tertiary_follicle
  • ovary


    Secreted hormones

    • Hormone: testosterone

      Influenced by:

      • LHCGR-1
        in theca_cell
      • ER-alpha
        in uterus
        • Female estrogen receptor knock out mice develop glomerulosclerosis at 9 months of age due to excessive ovarian testosterone production and secretion. [1]
      • ER-beta
        in uterus
        • Female estrogen receptor knock out mice develop glomerulosclerosis at 9 months of age due to excessive ovarian testosterone production and secretion. [1]
      • ER-beta
        in theca_lutein_cell
        • Estradiol treatment inhibits stimulatory effect hCG on testosterone production by theca cells. [2]
    • Hormone: androstenedione

      • The delivery of LH to the theca interstitial cell leads to the synthesis and secretion of androstenedione. [3]
      • synthesized from dehydroepiandrosterone and then converted to testosterone by the enzyme 17{beta}-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase or to estrone by the aromatase enzyme complex [4]
      • produced in the adrenal glands and the gonads

      Influenced by:

      • LHCGR-1
        in theca_cell
        • androstenedione is released into the blood by theca cells to provide androstenedione substrate for estrogen production in granulosa cells
      • ER-beta
        in theca_lutein_cell
        • Estradiol treatment inhibits hCG stimulated production of androstenedione by theca cells. [2]
    • Hormone: DHT

    • Hormone: VEGF-165

    • Hormone: angiotensin II

    • Hormone: BMP4

    • Hormone: BMP6

    • Hormone: BMP7


    • Receptor: LHCGR-1


      • androstenedione
        • androstenedione is released into the blood by theca cells to provide androstenedione substrate for estrogen production in granulosa cells
      • testosterone
    • Receptor: AR

      Induced phenotype:

      • ovarian follicle development
        • Studies with AR knockout mice have revealed that AR function is essential for maintaining female fertility, notably through optimizing the conditions for follicular growth, final follicle development and ovulation. [5]
      • polycystic ovary syndrome
        • Hyperandrogenemia arises from ovarian or adrenal dysfunction or tumors, disturbed peripheral metabolism of androgen precursors or exogenous androgenic medications. [6]
        • Polycystic ovary syndrome, a polymorphic hyperandrogenic disorder, is often assiciated with insulin resistance and acanthosis nigricans in obese women, a combination termed Hair-An syndrome. [7]
    • Receptor: leptin receptor

      • Transcripts encoding both the long and short isoforms of the leptin receptor were present in human thecal cells; however, the short isoforms were expressed at much higher levels. [8]

      Induced phenotype:

      • negative regulation of steroid hormone biosynthetic
        • Leptin inhibited steroidogenesis by bovine theca cells. [9]
        • Leptin, at physiologic concentrations, directly affects steroidogenesis of thecal cells. Normally fluctuating concentrations of leptin in blood may play an important role in communicating the metabolic status of the animal to the reproductive system. [9]
        • In cultured theca cells, leptin did not alter androstenedione production, alone or in the presence of LH. Leptin caused a concentration-related inhibition of the IGF-I augmentation of LH-stimulated androstenedione production. Leptin can directly inhibit IGF-I action in ovarian theca at concentrations commonly present in obese women. [10]
    • Receptor: angiotensin II type 1 receptor

    • Receptor: PRLR
