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Details for messenger / hormone: PGD2

EndoNet ID: ENH00649

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  • PGD2
  • prostaglandin D2
  • 9S,15S-dihydroxy-11-oxo-5Z,13E-prostadienoic acid
  • 7-[5(S)-Hydroxy-2(R)-(3(S)-hydroxy-1(E)-octenyl)-3-oxocyclopentan-1(R)-yl]-5(Z)-heptenoic acid

General information

  • Prostaglandin (PG) D(2), the major cyclooxygenase metabolite generated from immunologically stimulated mast cells, is thought to contribute to the pathogenesis of allergic diseases due to its various inflammatory effects. [1]
  • PGD2 protectes the neonatal brain from hypoxic-ischemic injury by preventing endothelial cell degeneration. [2]
  • PGD2 has major effects on the synthesis and release of key adipokines. [3]
  • PGD2 accelerates the recovery process of cutaneous barrier disruption. [4]
  • Prostaglandins (PGs) F2 alpha and D2 are bronchoconstrictor agents which are released under allergic conditions such as asthma. [5]
  • PGD2-CRTH2 (chemoattractant receptor homologous molecule expressed on Th2 cells) system plays a important role in chronic allergic skin inflammation. [6]
  • PGD2 inhibits iNOS(inducible nitric oxide synthase) induction by lipopolysaccharide in isolated rat mesenteric arteries, resulting in reduced relaxing ability in response to L-arginine. [7]
  • PGD2 is one of the most effective sleep promoter among the eicosanoids. [8]
  • PGD2 shows a synergistic effect on sneezing and nasal rubbing induced by histamine in rats. [9]


Hormone function

  • homeostasis
    • pulmonary control
    • immune response
      • activation

      Chemical classification

      • hormone
        • not genome-encoded
          • eicosanoids/fatty acid derivatives
            • prostanoids
              • prostaglandins


        Links to other resources

        KEGG C00696
        LIPID MAPS LMFA03010004
        LipidBank XPR1301
        • Anatomical structure: Kupffer_cell_stellate_cell_of_liver

          • Kupffer cells produce prostaglandins, primarily PGD2 and PGE2, which stimulate production of glucose from endogenous hepatic glycogen by activating phosphorylase A. [10]


        CellGPR44prostanoid DP receptor
        No records found.