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pages in the format ENX0000, where X is a place holder for the type of
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corpus luteum, luteal corpus, yellow body of ovary, Corpus luteum
General information
The yellow endocrine body, 1 to 1,,5 cm in diameter, formed in the ovary at the site of a ruptured ovarian follicle immediately after ovulation; there is an early stage of proliferation and vascularization before full maturity; later, there is a festooned and bright yellowish lutein zone traversed by trabeculae of theca interna containing numerous blood vessels; the corpus luteum secretes oestrogen, as did the follicle, and also progesterone
In luteal cells temporally coexpressing endogenous LPA2 receptor during mid-cycle, LPA inhibits agonist-stimulated progesterone production at a step distal to the cyclic AMP formation and before the steroid synthesis in mitochondria. [2]