Details for anatomical structure: placenta
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- Hormones
- Receptors
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- Hormones
- Receptors
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placenta, , PlazentaGeneral information
The vascular organ in mammals that unites the fetus to the maternal uterus and mediates its metabolic exchanges through a more or less intimate association of uterine mucosal with chorionic and usually allantoic tissues permitting exchange of material by diffusion between the maternal and fetal vascular systems but without direct contact between maternal and fetal blood and typically involving the interlocking of fingerlike vascular chorionic villi with corresponding modified areas of the uterine mucosaLinks to other resources
Cytomer | cy0039448 |
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Secreted hormones
Hormone: hCG
Hormone: CSH1
Hormone: TRH
Hormone: PTHLH
Hormone: HGF
- Localisation of hepatocyte growth factor and its receptor (c-met) protein and mRNA in human term placenta. [1]
Hormone: galectin-13
Hormone: PlGF-2
- While the three forms are present in most placental tissues, the PlGF-2 is specific to early (8 week) placenta. [2]
Hormone: PlGF-1
Hormone: IL-15
Hormone: IL-2
Hormone: CXCL11
Hormone: inhibin A
Hormone: MCP-2
Hormone: BMP2
Hormone: IL-1F8
Hormone: MPIF-1
Hormone: CCL27
Hormone: PARC
Hormone: angiopoietin-like protein 4
Hormone: leptin
Influenced by:
Hormone: osteonectin
Hormone: fibulin 1A
Hormone: fibulin 1B
Hormone: annexin A2
Hormone: laminin gamma-2 chain
Hormone: galectin-1
Hormone: sFRP-3
Hormone: Dkk1
Hormone: noggin
Hormone: laminin alpha-4 chain
Hormone: laminin alpha-5 chain
Hormone: laminin gamma-3 chain
Hormone: APOD
Hormone: semaphorin 3F
Hormone: BAFF
Hormone: WISP1
Hormone: WISP3
Hormone: PlGF-3
Hormone: SEMA4D
Hormone: NPB23
Hormone: NPB29
Hormone: CYR61
Hormone: laminin alpha-2 chain
Hormone: Cystatin-C
Hormone: PD-L1
Hormone: PSBG-5
- Synthesized by syncitiotrophoblast of the placenta. [2]
Hormone: EG-VEGF
Hormone: BD-1
Hormone: soluble VEGFR-1
Hormone: ECM1a
Hormone: relaxin-2 isoform 2
Hormone: relaxin-2 isoform 1
Hormone: insulin-like peptide 4
Hormone: insulin-like peptide INSL5
Hormone: pregnancy-associated plasma protein A
Hormone: PAI-2
Hormone: vasorin
Hormone: IL-28A
Hormone: IL-28B
Hormone: IL-29
Hormone: FAM3D
Hormone: FAM3A
Hormone: TNF-alpha
- TNF-alpha is synthesized and secreted from the placenta. [6]
Hormone: IL-1 alpha
- Tissue-extractable IL-1 alpha and IL-1 beta immunoreactive proteins were readily detected in fresh placental membranes, but not placental villi. [7]
Hormone: IL-1 beta
- Tissue-extractable IL-1 alpha and IL-1 beta immunoreactive proteins were readily detected in fresh placental membranes, but not placental villi. [7]
Hormone: interleukin 6
Hormone: Oxytocin-Neurophysin 1
- However, OT is also synthesized in peripheral tissues, e.g. uterus, placeta, amnion, corpus luteum, testis and heart. [8]
Hormone: estriol
Hormone: PrRP31
Hormone: fetuin-B
- This fetuin-B transcript could be detected in the liver and also at a lower level in the placenta. [10]
Hormone: CSHL1
- These data confirm the placental expression of the hCS-L gene. [11]
Receptor: PLXND1
Receptor: sst4
Receptor: PPARgamma1
- In this paper it is not clear whether it is Îł1 or another Îł receptor isoform it only says: " PPARÎł regulates terminal epithelial differentiation of the trophoblast, which, given the ubiquitous expression of PPARÎł in epithelia of endocrine and exocrine tissues, could apply to additional organs. Most importantly, we unravel the existence of a previously unrecognized functional link between the placenta and the developing heart, which could shed new light on the origins of congenital cardiomyopathies [12]
Receptor: Tie2
Receptor: EP2
Receptor: EP3
Receptor: PGF2-alpha receptor
Receptor: PGI receptor
Receptor: TLR3
Receptor: TLR4
Receptor: TLR7
Receptor: TGFR-3
Receptor: TGF-beta type I receptor
Receptor: TGF-beta type II receptor
Receptor: ferroportin-1
Receptor: PPAR-gamma2
Receptor: MC1R
Receptor: EGFR isoform a
Receptor: thrombospondin receptor
Receptor: laminin receptor
Receptor: integrin beta-1
Receptor: B-CAM
Receptor: frizzled 1
Receptor: frizzled 10
Receptor: PTC1
Receptor: neuropilin 1
Receptor: leptin receptor
Induced phenotype:
- trophoblast cell proliferation
- The leptin gene is expressed in placenta, where leptin promotes proliferation and survival of trophoblast cells [15]
- trophoblast cell proliferation
Receptor: PLXNA2
Receptor: CysLTR1
Receptor: CysLTR2
Receptor: Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1
Induced phenotype:
- preeclampsia
- Increased levels of soluble VEGFR1 variant (sFlt1) in the placenta and reduced levels of PlGF predict the subsequent development of preeclampsia. [16]
- preeclampsia
Receptor: sVEGF-R1
Receptor: renin receptor
- High levels found in the heart, brain, placenta, and lower levels in the kidney and liver. [17]
Receptor: PACAP-R-1
Induced phenotype:
- positive regulation of vasodilation
- PACAP has been detected at low concentrations throughout the uteroplacental unit, where it causes a concentration-dependent relaxation on stem villous and umbilical cord arteries. [18]
- positive regulation of vasodilation
Receptor: VPAC1
Induced phenotype:
- regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure
- Increased levels of VIP have been described in preeclampsia in women with untreated gestational proteinuric hypertension, representing a powerful compensatory mechanism to restore vascular perfusion of the uterus and placenta. [19]
- regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure
Receptor: hepatocyte growth factor receptor
Receptor: PAF-R
Receptor: IL-10R-alpha
Receptor: IL-18R1
Receptor: GFR-alpha-2
Receptor: ER-alpha
Receptor: EPHB4
Receptor: SIGLEC-7
Receptor: vasorin
Receptor: ROBO1
Receptor: CRF-R1
Receptor: CRF-R2
Receptor: MRC2
Receptor: PRLR
Induced phenotype:
- multicellular organismal water homeostasis
- PRL induces a redution in fluid volume in the amnion. [20]
- multicellular organismal water homeostasis
Receptor: Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 3
Receptor: Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 1
Receptor: Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 5
Receptor: Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 5
Receptor: Ovarian cancer G-protein coupled receptor 1
Receptor: Psychosine receptor
Receptor: parathyroid hormone 2 receptor
Receptor: Interleukin-22 receptor subunit alpha-1
- issues that gave positive signals included placenta, skin, inflamed appendix, lung, gastrointestinal tract, lymph node, thymus, and spleen [23]
Receptor: PPAR beta/delta
- Of the three isotypes, PPAR/ has the broadest expression pattern, and the levels of expression in certain tissues depend on the extent of cell proliferation and differentiation. Important functions have been assigned to this isotype in the skin, gut, placenta, skeletal muscle, adipose tissue, and brain [24]