Details for anatomical structure: smooth muscle cell
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- Hormones
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- Hormones
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smooth muscle cell, myocyte (smooth), Myocytus nonstriatusLinks to other resources
Cytomer | cy0011297 |
Related structures
Larger structures
- eccrine_gland
- bronchi
- brain
- heart
- duodenum
- breast
- spleen
- muscularis_of_bronchus
- lung
- large_intestine
- smooth_muscle
- D_cell_of_gastrointestinal_tract
- muscle
- uterus
- immune_system
- blood_vessel
- liver
- pancreas
- pulmonary_vessels
- stomach
- muscularis_of_uterus
- small_intestine
- gallbladder
- eye
- mucosa_of_gastric_wall
- central_nerve_system_element
- skeleton_muscle
- circulatory_system__hematopoietic_system
- parts_of_human_body
- digestive_system
- urinary_bladder
- prostate
- oesophagus
- rectum
- mucosa_of_small_intestine
- nerve
- trachea
- colon
- mammary_gland
Secreted hormones
Hormone: VEGF-165
- VEGF is produced by cultured vascular smooth muscle cells. [1]
Hormone: IL-18
- Angiotensin II enhances interleukin-18 mediated inflammatory gene expression in vascular smooth muscle cells. [2]
Hormone: osteonectin
Hormone: FGF-2
Hormone: vasorin
Hormone: interleukin 6
Receptor: PPARgamma1
- PPARγ is expressed in endothelium and smooth muscle in the blood vessel wall [4]
Receptor: TNFRSF12A
Induced phenotype:
- positive regulation of smooth muscle proliferation
- TNFSF12 induces proliferation of human aortic smooth muscle cells in vitro and acts as a potent inducer of angiogenesis. [5]
- positive regulation of smooth muscle proliferation
Receptor: vasorin
- Vasorinis predominantly expressed by vascular smooth muscle cells. [6]
Induced phenotype:
- negative regulation of transforming growth factor beta receptor signaling pathway
- Vasorin is predominantly expressed in VSMCs and modulates the vascular response to injury, at least in part, by attenuating TGF-β signaling in vivo. [6]
- TGF-beta 1
- We found that vasorin directly binds to transforming growth factor (TGF)-β and attenuates TGF-β signaling in vitro. [6]
Receptor: Integrin alpha-3
Receptor: PRLR
Induced phenotype:
- positive regulation of smooth muscle proliferation
- Prolactin induces proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells through a protein kinase C-dependent mechanism. [7]
- positive regulation of smooth muscle proliferation
Receptor: Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 1
Induced phenotype:
- positive regulation of smooth muscle cell migration
- Overexpression of S1PR1 in VSMCs enhances migration response to S1P. [8]
- heart development
- Direct evidence for S1P receptor signaling in angiogenesis and cardiovascular development comes from the phenotype of genetic-null studies in mice. The s1p1-null embryos die in utero because of defective vascular maturation in which VSMCs/pericytes do not migrate to surround the vessels. [9]
- positive regulation of angiogenesis
- regulation of inflammatory response
- In vascular smooth muscle cells, S1P stimulates DNA synthesis in association with ERK activation, and may play a central role in excessive fibroproliferative and inflammatory response to vascular injury that are hallmarks of atherosclerois progression. [10]
- a central role for S1P1 in vascular smooth muscle cell migration was established by the phenotype of S1P1-deficient mice in which those cells do not migrate properly to surround and reinforce nascent vessels. [11]
- positive regulation of smooth muscle cell migration
Receptor: Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 1
Induced phenotype:
- negative regulation of smooth muscle cell migration
- LPA1 and LPA2 were found to exhibit opposing effects on primary VSMCs derived from knockout mice. The migration of SMCs was increased in Lpar1−/− mice but attenuated in Lpar1−/−/Lpar2−/− mice, thus identifying LPA1 and LPA2 as negative and positive chemotactic mediators, respectively. [12]
- LPA induces the proliferation and migration of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). [13]
- smooth muscle cell dedifferentiation
- Lysophosphatidic acid influences vascular cell functions, including smooth muscle cell de-differentiation. [14]
- smooth muscle cell migration
- Lysophosphatidic acid influences vascular cell functions, including smooth muscle cell migration. [14]
- regulation of vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation
- Lysophosphatidic acid influences vascular cell functions, including smooth muscle cell proliferation. [14]
- positive regulation of smooth muscle proliferation
- Overexpression of S1PR1 in VSMCs enhances mitogenic responses to S1P. [8]
- negative regulation of smooth muscle cell migration
Receptor: Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 3
Induced phenotype:
- vasoconstriction
- S1P induces the vasoconstriction of isolated canine cerebral arteries via S1P receptor 3. [15]
- regulation of inflammatory response
- In vascular smooth muscle cells, S1P stimulates DNA synthesis in association with ERK activation, and may play a central role in excessive fibroproliferative and inflammatory response to vascular injury that are hallmarks of atherosclerois progression. [10]
- vasoconstriction
Receptor: Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 2
Induced phenotype:
- positive regulation of cell proliferation
- S1P induces contraction and proliferation of smooth muscle cells. [16]
- positive regulation of cell proliferation
Receptor: G-protein coupled receptor 4
Induced phenotype:
Receptor: 5-HT-2A
Induced phenotype:
- vasoconstriction
- The 5-HT 2A receptors occur peripherally on vascular smooth muscle tissue and their function is vaso-constriction. [19]
- vasoconstriction
Receptor: integrin alpha-3/beta-1
Induced phenotype:
- smooth muscle cell migration
- Binding extracellular maspin to the beta-Subunit of integrins inhibit the vascular smooth muscle migration. [20]
- smooth muscle cell migration
Receptor: Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 2
Induced phenotype:
- positive regulation of smooth muscle cell migration
- LPA induces the proliferation and migration of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). [13]
- LPA1 and LPA2 were found to exhibit opposing effects on primary VSMCs derived from knockout mice. The migration of SMCs was increased in Lpar1−/− mice but attenuated in Lpar1−/−/Lpar2−/− mice, thus identifying LPA1 and LPA2 as negative and positive chemotactic mediators, respectively. [12]
- positive regulation of smooth muscle cell migration
Receptor: NPR1
- In cultured cells, NPR-A is readily found in primary vascular smooth muscle cells. [21]
Induced phenotype:
Receptor: NPR2
- NPR-B is present in aortic vascular smooth muscle . [21]
Induced phenotype:
- vascular relaxation
- NPR-B is present in aortic vascular smooth muscle and mediates CNP relaxation of precontracted rat aorta. [21]