Details for anatomical structure: skeleton muscle
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- Hormones
- Receptors
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- Hormones
- Receptors
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skeleton muscle, , musculus skeletalisGeneral information
Skeletal muscle is a striated form of mucles tissue, responsible for active movement and voluntarily controlled.Links to other resources
Cytomer | cy0026464 |
Related structures
Larger structures
Secreted hormones
Hormone: humanin
Hormone: IL-15
Hormone: MCP-2
Hormone: hepcidin
Hormone: BMP2
Hormone: MIP-1 delta
Hormone: neuregulin 1 isoform GGF2
Hormone: HCC-1
Hormone: MPIF-1
Hormone: leptin
- A low level of leptin may be produced in gastric epithelium, placenta and skeletal muscle. [1]
Hormone: resistin
Hormone: galectin-1
Hormone: Dkk2
Hormone: Dkk2
Hormone: sFRP-2
Hormone: sFRP-3
Hormone: laminin alpha-5 chain
Hormone: TNFSF12
Hormone: semaphorin 3C
Hormone: cardiotrophin 1
Hormone: fractalkine
Hormone: galectin-1
Hormone: SEMA4D
Hormone: GDF-8
Hormone: IL-17D
Hormone: CYR61
Hormone: laminin alpha-2 chain
Hormone: PD-L1
Hormone: ECM1a
Hormone: SMOC-1 isoform 1
Hormone: vasorin
Hormone: FAM3A
Hormone: VEGFB
Hormone: FGF-23
Receptor: GL-R
Induced phenotype:
Receptor: PLXND1
Receptor: insulin receptor
Receptor: galanin receptor 3
Receptor: glucocorticoid receptor
Receptor: GR-beta
Receptor: PPARgamma1
Induced phenotype:
- regulation of glucose and lipid metabolism
- Co-activation of PPAR gamma and RXR results in additive or synergistic effects on glucose and lipid metabolism in skeletal muscle. [4]
- regulation of glucose metabolic process
- PPAR-gamma directly coordinates glucoregulatory responses in skeletal muscle. [5]
- regulation of glucose and lipid metabolism
Receptor: EP1
Receptor: leptin receptor
Induced phenotype:
- positive regulation of fatty acid oxidation
- Leptin promotes fatty acid (FA) oxidation in skeletal muscle through activation of AMP-activated protein kinase which, in turn, phosphorylates and inhibits acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase, leading to reduced malonyl-coenzyme A and increased FA flux into the mitochondria via carnitine palmitoyl transferase-1. [6]
- positive regulation of fatty acid oxidation
Receptor: thrombospondin receptor
Induced phenotype:
- lipid homeostasis
- Transgenic mice that overexpresses Cd36 in heart and skeletal muscle showed reduction in blood triglycerides and non-esterified fatty acids establishing a physiological role for Cd36 in whole-body lipid homeostasis. [7]
- lipid homeostasis
Receptor: integrin beta-1
Receptor: BMP receptor type 1A
Receptor: B-CAM
Receptor: frizzled 9
Receptor: frizzled 10
Receptor: frizzled 2
Receptor: frizzled 8
Receptor: PTC1
Receptor: neuropilin 1
Receptor: PLXNA2
Receptor: LTB4-R1
Receptor: IL-10R-alpha
Receptor: PPAR-alpha
Receptor: vasorin
Receptor: glypican 1
Receptor: CRF-R1
Receptor: CRF-R2
Receptor: IL-28R-alpha-v2
Receptor: IL-28R-alpha-v1
Receptor: CHRNA1-2
Receptor: CHRNA1-1
Receptor: PRLR
Receptor: Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 1
Receptor: Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 4
Receptor: Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 1
Receptor: Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 3
Receptor: growth hormone receptor
Induced phenotype:
- Laron syndrome
- In the majority of GHI patients, a genetic defect in the GH receptor gene leading to a functionless receptor is present. [8]
- Laron syndrome
Receptor: AR
- Isoform 2 is mainly expressed in heart and skeletal muscle. [9]
Receptor: VLDLR
Induced phenotype:
- transport of fatty acids
- VLDLR functions as a receptor for very low density lipoproteins (VLDL). In the rabbit its mRNA is expressed mainly in cardiac muscle, skeletal muscle and adipose tissue, all of which tissues utilize fatty acids as a source of energy. [10]
- transport of fatty acids
Receptor: PPAR beta/delta
- A study with human tissues showed that PPARä was present in liver, intestine, kidney, abdominal adipose, and skeletal muscle, tissues that are all involved in aspects of lipid metabolism [2]
Receptor: MUSK
- As indicated by its name, MuSK is a muscle-specific receptor tyrosine kinase that does not express in other tissues in mammals. [11]
Induced phenotype:
- formation of neuromuscular junction
- MuSK is a receptor tyrosine kinase essential for neuromuscular junction formation. [11]